Septic Systems for Dummies

How to Take Care of Septic Systems for Dummies

In brief, septic system is your own private sewage treatment facility which is reasonably maintenance-free. Technically it must be out of sight and odorless. If you are able to make well-constructed and properly maintained tank for septic systems, it will last indefinitely. However you must concern with the leach area (underground space used to store the sewage), since it may need some treatment and even replacement after about 15 to 20 years of service. The treatment of septic systems may require professional hand. However you do not have to be worried of the taking care of it, since there are many tips to take care of septic systems for dummies.

Septic Systems for Dummies

Septic Systems for Dummies

Simple rules

The first tip to take care of septic systems for dummies is not using too much water and not waste material which unable to decompose. By this way, the septic system may last for some years and let it trouble-free. Consider what you and your family put into the septic systems, tell your family that septic tank systems must be a place for stuffs which is able to be decomposed by bacteria. However it will be quite hard to take care public septic systems since you are unable to tell everyone about the rule. To solve the problem, routinely clean the septic systems to make is lasts longer.

Household Chemical Usage

To take care of septic systems for dummies, do not put too much household chemicals. You may use detergent, soap or toothpaste which made of chemical ingredients for your household. However having too much of it will make the composite inside the septic systems imbalance and reduce the ability of bacteria to decompose the sewage. Another solution is by having different storage for waste water which contain household chemical. By then you may be able to make the septic systems last longer and free from maintenance.

Depositing Rules

It is important to be noted that you must not deposit stuffs which is unable to decompose by the bacteria inside the septic systems. There are many things which mostly clutter to leach area, I mention it here in order to avoid you from putting it inside the septic systems. Coffee grounds, cooking fats, paper towels which do not dissolve easily, and facial tissues. One common thing which people usually throw away in septic systems and may increase the risk of imbalance decompose system.

Of course there are some rules and things to be followed to take care of septic systems for dummies, especially to make your septic system in your house lasts longer and less-trouble.

Gallery Septic Systems for Dummies

Aerobic Septic Systems

Septic System Inspections

Septic Tank Diagram

Typical Septic System