Ideas for Landscaping a Hill

Ideas for Landscaping a Hill in the Front Yard

Some people may find it hard to deal with landscaping a sloping front yard. The easiest solution to solve the problem is by covering it, but in most cases it does not have pleasing result. Remember that it is okay to keep the natural look of the hill which you may enjoy from inside the house. However, consider the artistic side and the safety of the owner and visitor by having a hill in your front yard.If you have a house with sloping front yard and find it difficult to manage, here are some ideas for landscaping a hill which may help you to solve the problems.

Backyard landscaping ideas with hill

Backyard landscaping ideas with hill

Interesting Access

Some areas give only entrance to the house directly up to a slope. This condition may become a challenge for visitor and make them feel difficult to walk on to your house. Safety is the first thing to be concerned beside the artistic side. You can install paved path for the entrance of your house. It is better if you find granite stones in high amount in your front yard, because you can reclaim it into paved path. It can be used to create paths which lead toward your house. Another good thing of having granite stone as one of ideas for landscaping a hill is that it adds visual interest for your visitors. Be proud of its unique ornament and get ready to receive many appraisal from your family and friends.


Another common ideas for landscaping a hill is to make it into terrace in multiple levels. Good option for slope terracing is to create level areas for an inviting entrance. You do not have to be worried of the space, since if you are able to design interesting slope terracing, it will creating a look rather than creating space. Your visitor will be pleased with unique and interesting inviting entrance in two sets of stairways which lead to a fountain which functions as a focal point of the terrace.

Slope gardening

You may find different kinds of soil for a hill, it may be full of stones or in the form of gentle slope. If you have to put much concern in the measurement of landscaping hard slope, it will be different if what you have in the front yard is the gentle one. You may not need to take detailed measurement in landscaping it. Slight and gentle slope can be easily corrected with minimal leveling and planting of grass. You may have perfect result once the grass starts to work, filling your front yard.

As an addition, as the grass grows, the root of the grass will stabilize the soil and keep the gentle surface in its place. On the other hand, you have to remember that it will be harder to mow a land on a slope instead of working with lawn on flat ground.

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Backyard hill landscaping ideas

Hill Landscape Design Ideas

Ideas for Landscaping a Hill

Landscape Design Ideas