Half Bathroom Designs

All Things You Need to Know about Half Bathroom Designs

It is not necessary to think too hard when it comes to half bathroom. Even though, it can’t be ignored that put the right thing, then give consideration for this and that are important but you don’t need to complicate it. Half bathroom is typical bathroom that designed for a small piece of area. So that, you need only some stuffs in half (so that it called half bathroom) compare to common bathroom. Half bathroom sometimes, it is called as powder room or guest room, but whatever they call it, the meaning just the same. If you are still confuse about half bathroom, here some concepts toward half bathroom designs.

Half Bathroom Designs

Half Bathroom Designs

Before talking about the designs, let talk about the common space for half bathroom designs. The space that is needed for half bathroom is about sixteen square feet. Yes, it is small, but it still able to handle your basic needs. Since, it has limitation on space so that, when plan kind of designs for half bathroom you need to make it simple. It means, the more things you load in half bathroom it never make it look better, but clutter. So then, you need to think only about two things like sink and toilet.

However, when it comes to sink for your half bathroom designs you need to consider taking benefit from pedestal sink. This typical sink can make your half bathroom seems larger. Then, for the toilet placement, be sure you are not placing it directly facing to the toilet door. It will be a horrible idea for you and the feng shui too. Half bathroom means you only allow having two things like toilet and sink, so that you don’t need to add kind of storage. Keep them on other room like other bathrooms or laundry room. But, if you insist to store something, make it tighter.

Another important design for half bathroom is about splashing colors. Every room needs color so that bathroom even only a half bathroom needs some colors to add the beauty of the half bathroom. Because of half bathroom is typical super tiny than a usual tiny bathroom, carefully consider the color is crucial. So then, it is essential for you to say big “NO NO” for deep or dark color since it leads to make a small room smaller. Instead, splash the half bathroom with neutral and muted colors are perfect to trick your eyes to make the room larger- and that’s all what you need to know about half bathroom designs.