Very Small Bathroom Ideas

Impressive Decoration: Very Small bathroom Ideas

No matter what the size of bathroom you have, it must be clean and neat. Bathroom also must be hygiene to give comfort while showering. Actually, bathroom is not only about showering. It is also about a place for relaxing and refreshing body and mind after working a day. Impressive bathroom decoration does not only can be gotten from large bathroom space because of it can accommodate much furniture, such as large bathtub, vanity, cabinet or sink. For all of you who have small bathroom you also can do the same. Today we will show you very small bathroom ideas that will impress yourself. Get your inspiration bellow about how to manage very small bathroom to be good looking and comfortable as well.

Very small bathroom ideas

Very small bathroom ideas

The first tip idea you can make for very small bathroom is that about the color scheme. It has really big effect for a rom, better you choose light color or neutral color, such as white, grey, or brown. However, if you really want to display bright color, such as red, green or blue. You can combine it with white color. Remember, white must be dominant then the other color just be the sweetness spot. The second tip idea is that think about the furniture. It also has big effect in your very small bathroom decoration. If there is still empty space, you can add vanity or bathtub. Better you attach wall vanity or shelf as storage area – very small bathroom ideas.

There are other ideas to make very small bathroom look great that is use mirror. Mirror attachment will give larger impression next, think about which is the most efficient between bathtub and shower inserted. In your very small bathroom ideas, you cannot set both of them because it will be not enough and waste your energy and space. You have to choose one of them to be placed. If there is shower inserted, you do not need bathtub and in reverse.

very small bathroom storage ideas

very small bathroom storage ideas

Last idea is that if you have alley bathroom shape, you do not need to give glass for your shower inserted. Think about flooring area. It is better if you set it with large floor tiles in white color. Do not make border line in your very small bathroom. You also have to remember in very small bathroom ideas you have to choose small bathroom furniture. Those are some inspirations you can take to decor your small bathroom. You can also be creative on that.