Single Storey Extension Designs Ideas

Single Storey Extension Designs Ideas

Don’t forget about the planning permission for your single storey extension designs. It has some rules you have to obey if you want to make your license go out easily. A good planning will help your builder also and guarantee satisfaction when all extension is done.

Single Storey Extension Designs Ideas

Single Storey Extension Designs Consideration

When creating single storey extension designs, make sure that the extension has the proportion with the house original building. Don’t forget to plan about where to put the windows and door, the decisions depend on how much sunlight you prefer. The windows and door styles should also match with the building architecture. The roof has to be matched with the original building to make an impression that the extension is the original building also. The conclusion is, make sure the extension matches the original building whether it’s the style, architecture, position, proportions, and even in materials.

If you still confused, try to contact a builder or a friend who already successfully expand their house. Ask them about the proportion, suggestions, and cost for the single storey extension designs you want to make. The time needed for extension should be another consideration in case you have to do some preparation about it. Don’t forget to prepare the money more than the budget. Usually a house extension could charge more money than planned before. Single storey extension designs factors should be your consideration for house extension.

Single Storey Extension Designs and Must Obey Rules

For single storey extension designs, usually the maximum heights are 4m and 3m away from the original building. Don’t make it too close to the road so if something happen in the road in front of your house, there’s still some space and your house will be fine. Try not to cut any tree or plants to make your house extension. It could be better for the house environment. Do not use neighbor’s lots to make an extension or you’ll have another problem later. These single storey extension designs rules were made to make your extension successful and creating no problem in the future.

Don’t forget to create a stylish architecture for the extension. Usually now modern houses modified the place to put the windows to make it more useful like put it on the roof so it could provide light for the house. Discuss with your house partner also what kind of single storey extension designs they like so everybody feel at home in the extension.