Unclog Bathroom Sink

Easy Ways to Unclog Bathroom Sink

Unclog bathroom sink becomes a question that is commonly asked by many people because if you do not have a well experience of repairing plumber, you will only make it is worse, and finally you will hire the plumber to solve the problem on unclogging bathroom sink. Such as repairing a car or motorcycle, there must be a manual book that tutors you how to unclog the sink in your bathroom; luckily, you can find the manual book in internet. Even though there is a filter beneath the bathtub, sometimes the tiny thing such as needle, thread or hair can pass through the tiny hole in the filter. Those tiny things will gather in one area where the tiny things cannot pass through the sink and it closes the tiny hole in the filter and plugs up the water, I bet you will hire the plumber as soon as possible after this problem appears.

Unclog Bathroom Sink

Unclog Bathroom Sink

As we know the function of bathroom is very useful, so, will you keep your bathroom sink cannot be used even though it is only one day? So what will you do if bathroom cannot be used? Will you do not take a bath for a day, or ask your friend to take a bath in his or her bathroom? Both those last question can be answered by an answer, DIY to unclog bathroom sink, it is easy. If you use chemical product, it will not be recommended because it can damage the pipe and sink system of your bathroom accumulatively.

The first step to unclog bathroom sink is preparing the cascading and adding water plus detergent to clean the pipe through the bathroom sink. After that, use a plastic tube under the bend pipe to prevent the water that is added by detergent comes out and floods your floor. After that, you can detach the bend pipe. This pipe is an area that is most of the unwanted things gathered, so, you have to clean all of them. After that, you can remove the tail pipe and then drain the pipe. Finally, you can clean the drain pipe used ex tooth brush.

There will be terrible thing appear in that area, the drain pipe keeps the horror for the plumber that is why this work is only for plumber. After the drain pipe is cleaned, you can open the stopper on the bottom of bathtub and then clean it. Therefore, if anyone asks you how to unclog bathroom sink, you can proudly answer who is the plumber.

Gallery Unclog Bathroom Sink

unclog bathroom sink drain

Unclogging a bathroom sink

unclogging bathroom sink